Did you know nearly all of the world’s top 250 companies (G250) have sustainability goals? As businesses across the globe prioritize sustainable practices in the workplace, digital signage can play an integral role. In celebration of Earth Day, we’ve compiled the top five reasons to include digital signage in your sustainability plans as we move toward a greener future.
Top 5 Digital Signage Statistics for Earth Day 2023
1. Reduction of paper waste
According to Avixa, “between 2001 to 2019, a total of 386 million hectares (953,826,772.463 acres) of forest were lost globally (in all forest types combined). This loss represents an almost 10 percent decrease in tree cover since 2000. Forty-two percent of this went to paper production including static signage like posters and flyers.”
The average LED digital signage display running 24-hours per day can last 100,000 hours, or roughly 10 to 11 years. Most printed signs are thrown out after one use, while digital signage solutions offer unlimited content possibilities.
2. Energy efficiency
Digital signage displays are designed to be energy-efficient, with features such as automatic brightness adjustment and power-saving modes. Studies show that digital signage can reduces energy consumption by up to 30 percent compared to traditional printed signage.
Radiant Technology is doing its part by helping clients save energy costs with the Radiant Engage Smart Room Manager™ and Radiant Pulse™ monitoring solutions. When combined, these tools help clients streamline space scheduling, usage and reporting.
3. Recycling and repurposing
Many digital signage components, such as displays, media players, and mounts, can be recycled or repurposed at the end of their lifecycle, further reducing environmental impact.

4. Easy updates and modifications
Digital signage allows for easy content updates and modifications eliminating the need for reprinting, to reduce waste and promote sustainability.
Digital signage is easily modified to reflect the most current messaging. Even better, with DCMS consolidation messages are streamlined across enterprises at a moment‘s notice, providing real-time, contextual communication. Static signage just doesn’t compare!
5. Reduced water pollution
Traditional printed signage production processes contribute to water pollution through ink and chemical usage. Digital signage eliminates the need for these processes, reducing water pollution.
The future is bright with Radiant Technology! Visit our digital signage page to learn how digital signage makes a compelling case to achieve your business outcomes including sustainability.