Managed services is a hot-button topic for many organizations trying to balance operational needs as they transition to “the new normal.” Work requirements have become more dynamic, and predicting revenues has become more difficult often leaving us in reactionary mode. We need predictability. In times like these, knowing what to expect can put our companies in a stronger position to navigate what is coming next. 

The need for effective collaboration has never been more important

Many challenges within your collaboration ecosystem have been exposed. These challenges occur with users, governance, infrastructure, management and technology. Each one requires strategic planning to cultivate the ideal state of collaboration for your business. Partnering with a managed services provider delivers cost savings and helps fill the gaps that have been exposed. This is where Core Advantage fits into your collaboration strategy. 

Do you have a handle on your technology footprint, and is it relevant? 

Collaboration has become more complicated, and the systems of just five years ago fall short when delivering modern functionality to a changed workforce. Consider these questions:

  • Do you have a sensible lifecycle strategy? 
  • Do you have visibility on what technology desperately needs replaced and what can still be utilized to fulfill critical team needs?
  • What is the risk for potential expensive repairs and replacements when you experience an unexpected system failure?

These questions are important, but collecting and navigating the data can be tedious and difficult (if not impossible). Through our Core Advantage services, we become the partner who provides clarity into your technology footprint while formulating a lifecycle strategy focused on minimizing costs and delivering desired functionality for your end users. 

Are you executing an effective adoption strategy for your end users? 

You have invested so much time and money into technology, but it is your end users who will drive the return on that investment. User workflow must be analyzed, and systems must be configured to match the way your teams expect to collaborate. When these systems are in place, are you successfully onboarding the people who will use them? Have you designated champions within your teams to help lead the way and provide the onboarded users with the support they need? Do the staff members who supports the end users understand how to effectively respond to an issue? When employees leave and new team members are hired to replace them, is user adoption a “trial by fire” process? 

As a Core Advantage customer, you can leverage Radiant Technology’s experience and expertise to answer all these questions. We work alongside you to learn more about your end users and continuously improve their experience through adjustments to configuration and workflows. We can also provide your support staff with the resources, training and support necessary to drive results and keep them focused on what matters most to your business. 

Learn how Core Advantage can benefit your business and take care of your technology investment. Connect with our Business Development team at 800.348.4008 or