The manufacturing industry accounts for almost 13 million jobs in the United States. Employees in production environments work long shifts on their feet and complete the same tasks over and over. In addition, plant floors are usually loud, dangerous environments. It’s no surprise that top manufacturers report a 20% to 30% staff turnover rate. So how do you keep workers engaged?

Disengaged workers lead to low morale, turnover and declines in productivity. Digital signage can help to keep employees engaged, on-task and informed. If you’re not convinced digital signage is an asset for your manufacturing business, take a look at these five benefits.

1. Increased Productivity

Digital signage is used to visualize real-time metrics and track key performance indicators (KPIs). Production management information displayed on a digital content platform allows employees to monitor and track workflows and processes in real-time, which reduces waste and promotes a LEAN workplace.

2. Engaged Staff

Daily standup meetings are usually limited to 10-minute blocks and focus on immediate concerns. Standup sessions are rarely employee-focused; instead, workers are told which machines are operating, which jobs are in progress, etc. In addition, manufacturers regularly hire temporary and seasonal staff who often don’t feel like “part of the team.” Digital signage offers employers an opportunity to engage all staff throughout the facility—including the production floor and other high-traffic environments. Use digital signage to recognize workers and teams for meeting goals, and create an inclusive work environment by acknowledging everyone’s contribution.

3. Improved Workplace Safety

Workplace accidents cost companies an average of $75,000 per occurrence. Digital signage communicates safety information to help limit workplace injuries. Simple reminders to wear personal protective equipment, urgent messages about hazards and health and safety tips can be broadcast through digital signage platforms. Evacuation plans, emergency alerts and other life safety notifications displayed through digital signage reach employees in a timely manner. Companies can also use digital messaging to assist HR and key stakeholders by announcing health screenings, flu shots and other benefits.

4. Enhanced Corporate Communications

Communication in a manufacturing environment differs greatly from the corporate workplace. Most plant workers have little to no email access during shifts, and if workers are permitted to have cell phones on the floor, they often can’t hear the phone ring. HR and administrative teams use digital signage to relay information for company events and to share corporate headlines. Welcome messages on displays alert plant staff of visitors. Since visual communication has a high retention rate, digital signage is used to reinforce training, policies and procedures.

5. Streamlined Internal Applications

Digital signage is only as useful as the digital content management system (DCMS) used to display the information. A robust DCMS integrates with production management software and back-end systems to display queue and line metrics and manage schedules and tasks. Companies can incorporate interactive wayfinding (floor layout navigation) and room scheduling capabilities to create a digital signage system that improves production and the end user experience.

Whether you are just starting to explore digital signage or are ready for an upgrade, you can learn more by scheduling some time with one of our experts. Call us at 800.348.4008 or email us at